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1. Energy-Efficient Large-Scale Antenna Systems with Hybrid Digital-Analog Beamforming Structure
Shuangfeng Han, Chih-Lin I, Zhikun Xu, Qi Sun, Haibin Li
ZTE Communications    2015, 13 (1): 28-34.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-5188.2015.01.004
摘要94)      PDF (514KB)(75)    收藏
A large-scale antenna system (LSAS) with digital beamforming is expected to significantly increase energy efficiency (EE) and spectral efficiency (SE) in a wireless communication system. However, there are many challenging issues related to calibration, energy consumption, and cost in implementing a digital beamforming structure in an LSAS. In a practical LSAS deployment, hybrid digital-analog beamforming structures with active antennas can be used. In this paper, we investigate the optimal antenna configuration in an N × M beamforming structure, where N is the number of transceivers, M is the number of active antennas per transceiver, where analog beamforming is introduced for individual transceivers and digital beamforming is introduced across all N transceivers. We analyze the green point, which is the point of maximum EE on the EE-SE curve, and show that the log-scale EE scales linearly with SE along a slope of -lg2/N. We investigate the effect of M on EE for a given SE value in the case of fixed NM and independent N and M. In both cases, there is a unique optimal M that results in optimal EE. In the case of independent N and M, there is no optimal (N, M) combination for optimizing EE. The results of numerical simulations are provided, and these results support our analysis.
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